3 research outputs found

    Significance of Blooms Taxonomy in Tartary Education A Case Study in the Maritime Industry

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    The maritime education is a modern, highly technical, professional discipline. The shipping industry requires a workforce with a great deal of skill, knowledge and expertise. Modern ships are equipped with very sophisticated toots, but having great tools is not productive unless the employees know the best way to use them. Unlike in most job tasks ashore, seafarers need high level of competence to ensure safe, secure and clean shipping industry. This paper discuss about the significance of Blooms Taxonomy in the maritime education and training. The action words of the revised taxonomy considers the cognitive processes to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and training methods. The verbs used in this taxonomy refers to the intended cognitive process that the trainer expects as the result of the educational activities

    Shaping the Education to Meet the Global Demands: Industrial Inclusiveness in University Curriculum

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    The world entered to knowledge-based economy which is based on the production and use of information. Today computer technology, language proficiency and logistics play a major role. University Curriculum connects the secondary level education and the industry. Therefore, industry inclusiveness is essential in transforming children to an industry worker or an entrepreneur. This paper is derived from an opinion survey, desk research, and a case study. Reports of international institutions were studied extensively in the literatures survey. The respondents of the survey consisted key personnel in the government and private sector covering a cross section of the stakeholders in education and business world. The report analyses are then evaluated and discussed though a case study in Sri Lanka. The practices and procedures in the contemporary education system in the country is systematically explained in this section. The report presents its key recommendation under seven areas as policy recommendations. It includes innovative concepts such as, vertical integration between schools, universities, and industry; extended academic disciplines at tertiary level; changes in the university; review to selection criteria of state universities; new academic disciplines in the school curriculum; technical and vocational education; focus on children with different skills etc

    Development of a Mechanism That Leads to a Psychological Paradigm Shift in Students’ Demand and Enrolment for Various Academic Disciplines in the Tertiary Education in Sri Lanka: Qualitative Analysis

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    Creating a psychological paradigm shift in students’ demand and enrolment for various academic disciplines in the tertiary education in Sri Lanka is important since it is vital for not only for students but also for other stakeholders explicitly employers, community, and government as this paradigm shift provides creative and adoptable graduate. However, those who enter to government universities after a very competitive selection process in Sri Lanka are compelled to be unemployed mainly due to mismatch of employers’ perspectives in the modern world against the skills and competence they developed in the tertiary education. It is therefore timely, to develop a mechanism that leads to a psychological paradigm shift in students’ demand and enrolment for various academic disciplines in the tertiary education in Sri Lanka. Objectives of the study are to explore the student demand side aspects for various academic disciplines and to explore the student supply side expectations for various academic disciplines in Sri Lanka. This qualitative study applied purposeful sampling technique and employers, executives and academics in state and non-state higher education institutes participated in the study and data collection techniques were interviews and other secondary documents. Study revealed that new graduates have issues with the practical skills, attitude problems and soft skills.  Many employers, neither possess a mechanism to match graduates’ skills and background to their job and responsibilities nor participation in curriculum revision in institutes. Consequently, a few employers involve with curriculum revision, and this might lead to mismatch of curriculum with demands of existing labour market demands. Only some parents have a clear understanding of their child about selecting the best pathway that suits their strengths and weaknesses. Study concluded that for the improvement of the tertiary education, students’ needs to gain and focus more on practical aspects of education, purposeful learning experience and experiential learning. Moreover, not only knowledge but also attitudes and skills of the graduates should be developed